Literary Capital Sculpture Trail Unveiling

The Monroe Journal

Michael Tonder


Join the citizens of Monroeville and their special guests April 26 on the south lawn of the Monroe County Museum as they unveil the Literary Capital Sculpture Trail to celebrate the community's impact on American literary culture. 14 bronze sculptures will be on permanent display in the historic downtown district in Alabama's Literary Capital. Plaques identifying the writer honored, sculptor and individual sponsor will be placed at each sculpture this summer.


Walk the trail with us as we unveil public works of art that are representative of authors who are from Monroeville. Honorees include Harper Lee, Truman Capote, Cynthia Tucker, Mark Childress, Marva Collins, Rheta Grimsley-Johnson, Riley Kelly, Mike Stewart, William Barret Travis and Hank Williams.  The unveiling ceremony begins at 2:15 p.m. on the south lawn of the historic courthouse with a brief welcome. The walking tour will spend approximately ten minutes at each sculpture with the artist. The trail is a project of Monroeville Main Street with sponsorship from the City of Monroeville and JWJ Investment Properties. 


The sculptures were created by artists through the University of Alabama Department of Art & Art History Sculpture program under the direction of Professor Craig Wedderspoon. “We are honored here at the University of Alabama Department of Art & Art History Sculpture program to be a part of this event honoring the many acclaimed writers that have come out of Monroeville, Alabama,” he said.


The trail will educate locals and tourists of Monroeville's rich literary history. “A sculpture trail honoring all of our writers who made us Alabama’s Literary Capital has been a goal of the Monroeville Main Street program since 2015,” said Anne Marie Bryan, executive director of Monroeville Main Street. “We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with Professor Wedderspoon and his students at the University of Alabama Department of Art & Art History on this project. Our Design and Promotion committees selected themes to honor each writer and the sculptors have created beautiful bronze works of art which successfully illustrate those themes. This trail will help both locals and tourists have a better understanding of the area’s rich literary history while permanently honoring our writers through art.”


“This Literary Capital Sculpture Trail project is a unique way to honor and memorialize the many talented writers who have Monroeville roots, and to see them and their creations through the lens of a talented group of artists,” said Monroeville Mayor Sandy Smith. “The project informs, entertains and educates, while bringing beauty and quality to Monroeville’s Main Street district. The City of Monroeville is honored to have this as a permanent installation in its downtown and to be in partnership with Monroeville Main Street, the University of Alabama and this very acclaimed group of authors."